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Staff and Facilities

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The staff and facilities page

Next to a driver and possibly a technical director you need general staff and facilities. Staff is not characterized in number of staff, but in the level of skills. Some staff skills are variable with certain events, things you do (or don’t). Other staff skills are trainable. The better your staff, the more salary you pay. You can train staff only once per race, but training is limited by the level of your facilities. The average level of your facilities determines the limit of how much you can train your staff. This also means that if you have trained staff to the current maximum level, but downgrade a facility (decrease its level below a certain value) your staff skills will start to drop as well. Staff is important for the various steps in the process of converting test points into new car character points, but also for pit stops and sponsor deals.


Your staff have 6 main attributes as follows:

  • Experience
  • Motivation
  • Technical skill
  • Stress handling
  • Concentration
  • Efficiency


You can perform 3 types of staff training for your staff. These are:

Training Type Price
Stress Handling $1,500,000
Concentration $1,000,000
Efficiency $1,250,000


You start out with no facilities at all. The better your facilities, the more you pay for maintenance per race. You can upgrade or downgrade facilities once per race. If you like to change several facilities at the same time, you need to do it simultaneously (like updating car parts). Facilities can help in the process of R&D or engineering or improve the pit stops or commercial aspects. The facilities which help in the process of R&D or engineering work together in a similar way as the R&D skills of the TD. Over time the level of your facilities will deteriorate and if you want to keep them at the same level you will have to upgrade them again.

There are 7 types of facilities that will all have an impact. The most basic interpretation you can expect is as follows:

  • Windtunnel: Increases conversion ratio of tested carpoints to researched carpoint.
  • R&D workshop: Increases conversion ratio of tested carpoints to researched carpoints.
  • R&D design center: Increases conversion ratio of tested carpoints to researched carpoints.
  • Engineering workshop: Increases conversion ratio of researched carpoints to engineered carpoints.
  • Alloy and chemical lab: Increases conversion ratio of researched carpoints to engineered carpoints.
  • Commercial: Improves sponsor negotiations and increases the number of sponsors that can be negotiated with concurrently.
  • Pitstop training center: Trains pitstop crew.

The following limits of facility levels apply for the different classes:

  • Managers in Master groups cannot buy facilities above level 80
  • Managers in Pro groups cannot buy facilities above level 60
  • Managers in Amateur groups cannot buy facilities above level 40
  • Managers in Rookie groups cannot buy facilities above level 20

If at the start of the season a manager who relegated to a lower class has facilities that exceed the above limits then they will be automatically sold at half price.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not in debt but I can’t train my staff, why?

This happens when the skill level of your staff is higher than the trainable skill level as a result of your facilities. To train your staff you will need to upgrade the facilities.